The concept of the personal brand has become almost a buzzword on the business landscape of today. A personal brand, when used correctly, can do a lot of good. On the other hand, not every company needs one of these in order to boost their online reputation.

To build a brand, you don’t need a personal brand because if your company speaks for itself it doesn’t need you. There may come a day where you can learn from organizations like Apple and form a personal brand, as Steve Jobs did. But that may be well into the future.

So how do you know when a personal brand is the right option?

When Personal Brands are the Wrong Option

First of all, what is the point of a personal brand?

There’s no doubt that a strong personal brand will enhance your life, but it only does this through long-term growth that’s always visible to the public. It’s one of those things that take years to build and only minutes to destroy. If you are looking at long-term expansion, it makes sense. But not every startup owners wants to expand.