Authors Posts by StartABiz Staff

StartABiz Staff

by Richard Harroch What to look for and what to avoid. Finding the right name for your startup can have a significant impact on your success. The wrong name can do worse than fail to connect with customers; it can also result in insurmountable business and legal hurdles. In contrast, a clear, powerful name can be extremely helpful in your marketing...
by Jacqueline Liyana Starting a business, given its share of rewards and risks, is a serious endeavor and requires considerable preparation. If you are going to accept the challenge, then you must do everything you can to improve your chances for success. This process involves the mastery of ten steps. Each step by itself is merely a tool, but collectively they...
By Sujan Patel It's no secret that entrepreneurs make a lot of mistakes. I've made my fair share that have yielded less-than-desirable results. Those mistakes aren't always bad and it's contributed to my growth as an entrepreneur. You can expect to make plenty of mistakes along the way. However, that doesn't mean you should charge headlong into spending with reckless abandon just...
By Anna Hensel There are many perks to starting your own business--being able to set your own hours and working on something that you're truly passionate about, for starters. But if you want to continue enjoying those perks, you need to figure out how to make money (and lots of it). Inc. asked several CEOs who made our 2015 Inc. 5000 fastest-growing companies list--all of whom were...
by Adil Zaman Starting a small business seems to be very difficult for many individuals. They always feel stuck in the questions like How to start a small business or what will happen if we’ll get failed in launching a business. These are the questions that become headache for them and they feel overwhelmed. If you think that you also fall...
Does working from home or any remote location of your choice, while dictating your schedule and having complete control over your career sound good? If so, you should consider starting an online career. It’s a lot easier than you might think -- thanks to the internet, it’s actually quite simple, requiring much less startup capital than you might imagine. With a...
If you are trying to determine how to bring a home office into your space, and there just isn’t enough free wall space to do it, converting a closet into one, may be your best solution. Many closets are not used nearly to their best potential, and by converting one into a home office could solve your space issue...
As recently as 2012, a major study concluded that 1.3 million students will graduate from college with debts. It’s not uncommon to see someone with six figures of student loan debt, and these represent huge obstacles for the majority of people. If you want to launch a startup, you may be wondering how you can possibly do this. I wondered...
by Melanie Haynes Sissel Hansen, a Danish entrepreneur, launched Startup Guide to Berlin as a hobby project whilst living in the German capital in early 2014. She had found herself struggling to start up in a city where she did not know anyone. Everything was different — the culture, the social perspectives and the process of starting a business. In...
by Patrick Bet-David In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Patrick Bet-David discusses the best type of customers to have. When it comes to new customers, Bet-David explains, there are three types: cold, warm and hot. Cold customers have no idea what your business is or does, and likely won't buy from you. Warm customers are people who have heard about your business and have the...