Authors Posts by StartABiz Staff

StartABiz Staff

By Brian D. Evans If building massive wealth were easy, everyone would have it. There is a lot of poor information out there on what it really takes to build wealth. I recently interviewed Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary, who gave me some of the real secrets to his success. O'Leary shared some of his most treasured daily habits and the mindset...
By Grant Cardone I’ve been labeled compulsive, a work addict, obsessive, out of balance and impossible to work with. People have told me I’m unreasonably demanding and have unrealistic expectations for myself and others. Solutions have been proposed to “cure” me of this problem. Doctors throw labels at me like ADD, ADHD, OCD and more. Friends and family have asked...
By Brian D. Evans If building massive wealth were easy, everyone would have it. There is a lot of poor information out there on what it really takes to build wealth. I recently interviewed Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary, who gave me some of the real secrets to his success. O'Leary shared some of his most treasured daily habits and the mindset...
By Veronica Hunt Getting up early with the sunrise or even before is considered a must for successful people. Simply ask the boss of your boss, any politician or professional and the answer you would get is that they all wake up at the crack of dawn. This allows them to gain a leg up on anyone who gets up late. Many...
By Jessica Stillman Experience might be the best teacher, but it's also often a pretty embarrassing one. Walking face first into a pole is a great way to learn to watch where you're going, for example, but you'd probably hope to do it on a deserted street not in front of a crowd. Which is why you have to give the founders...
Ninety percent of start-ups fail, some for reasons which were completely avoidable, others because of a lack of confidence, preparation or understanding of what was needed to be successful. I have experienced some of that failure myself. Afterward, there is always that feeling of regret for things that, in hindsight, you would differently if given the opportunity. Here are...
by Andy Donaldson This guest column is by Andy Donaldson, Director, Hit Search Innovating your business is crucial in order to remain competitive in your industry. Innovation doesn’t have to mean a complete overhaul of your products or services, you can simply innovate the way you market your business. Here are 5 creative marketing tools that every business should try out: Generate...
By Sourav Adhikari A big percentage of people now a day’s work from home, as options are widely available; starting from extra bucks to make a full-time living. 10 Daily Habits for working at Home September 20, 2016 By Sourav Adhikari A big percentage of people now a day’s work from home, as options are widely available; starting from extra bucks to make...