Are you thinking of transitioning from the office to working at home?  Before making the leap, ask yourself these questions:
1.  Am I able to perform all of my current duties outside of the office?
Deciding to work from home is the easy part, but is it really realistic for you to work from home?  All jobs are not created equal.  In order to succeed in transitioning from working in an office to working at home, you must be sure that you have the type of job that can be performed successfully at home. Your job should be one where you work autonomously the majority of the time.  If you have a job that requires you to physically be in a building or have a job that requires you to have constant in-person contact with your boss or coworkers, then working from home may not be suitable.
2.  Do I have all of the necessary equipment and adequate space to establish a home office?
Your home office should not be in a high traffic area in your home or in your bedroom.  High traffic areas like your living room, kitchen or den can lead to distraction and a decrease in productivity.  It’s also important that you clearly define your personal home space from your work area so that the lines don’t get blurred between work and personal time.  Allocate a small room far away from the main living area of your home so you can work comfortably and without interruption.  In addition to space, also be sure you have the latest network technology, software and hardware to stay connected to your clients, coworkers or boss.
3.  Am I organized?
Organization is a crucial component in being successful at working from home.  It’s important to set up a system that regulates your day to day activities.  It must be something that works for you and keeps you on task and keeps your projects running smoothly.  You need to be able to organize client calls, project deadlines and still maintain a personal life. This is easily managed if you have solid organizational skills.
4.  Am I focused and disciplined?
Are you easily distracted? Can you stay focused on your tasks despite afternoon television and laundry piling up? Are there too many people in your home who are likely to pull your focus away from your work?  Working from home requires intense focus and discipline.  You must have the ability to shut out noise and distraction and remain on schedule with tasks and projects.
This is just a small sample of questions you should ask yourself before making the move. The bottom line is, if you can remain stimulated by your work, regimented in your tasks and have a determination to succeed, you will do great working at home.