Authors Posts by Levi Leyba

Levi Leyba

My name is Levi. I'm the founder and editor-in-chief of In addition to being a father of two boys and a husband who listens to his wife, I am a serial entrepreneur, an author, an artist, and a guy who enjoys a good craft beer from time to time. To read more, please visit
Outline your white label business plan
Read the previous lesson 06 article here. My apologies for this week’s articles being a bit behind.  Projects got in the way which brings up a good point that I would like to share with all you.  For me, it was projects.  For you it may be Sally’s soccer game or for Pedro’s high school elections.  Whatever the case, it’s...
Investigate any copyright and trademark infringements
Read the previous lesson 05 article here. At the same time that I secured a domain name, I was also being cautiously aware of whether or not the name that I choose was already being used by another business.  This business can be in a completely different industry or in the same, I just wanted to see if anyone else...
Set your monthly, quarterly, and yearly goals & your exit plan
Read the previous lesson 08 article here. Goals.  We all know what they are and how they work so I do not need to describe what they are and why we should do them. Let me ask you a question.  How many of you reading this actually have goals—written goals that you have on a notepad, journal, composition book?  We...
Read the previous lesson 07 article here. In today’s day and age, your business is not going to go anywhere without any marketing. The proper way to establish marketing for your business is by creating a marketing plan. Personally I’ve known dozens of businesses that have been successful that have not even thought about building a marketing plan. They either...
Find a great domain that is keyword relevant and find hosting (if needed)
Read the previous lesson 04 article here. Here comes the fun part.  At least for me that is!  If you’ve read the ‘About Me’ page on this site, you will have known that I love to buy and sell domains.  So much in fact that it was cost beneficial for me to become a domain reseller just so I can...
Learn about who your competition is and what they are doing wrong
Read the previous lesson 03 article here. Now that we’ve made the choice with what type of business to start, we need to focus some time on our competition. It is necessary to understand how they are attracting their customers and notice what they are missing—or better yet, what they are doing wrong. In the technology business, there are hundreds...
Research quality businesses
Read the previous lesson 02 article here. In lesson 02, I was able to decide what type of white label business to start after completing the Starting a Business Strength & Weakness Analysis that you can download here.  The white label business that I decided to start would be a mobile app development business.  I know that mobile apps are...
Decide what type of white label business to start
Read the previous lesson 01 article here. Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses.  Successful people recognize their strengths and build upon them and they also understand where their weaknesses are so they can get the support they need in those areas.  For myself, I’m not a big fan of accounting.  Never have been a numbers guy.  This...
Why go online vs brick and mortar with starting a business?
Read the previous introduction article here. When we think of someone starting a business, we often have these visuals of a person or a group of people coming together with an idea.  An idea to either offer a service or to provide a product that everyone will be wanting.  Starting a business was and still is a dream for many...
Start Here - Start A Biz
I wish there was more time in the day.  But then again, perhaps I’m not managing my time as effectively as I should be.  Gary Vaynerchuk always states that not having any time is not an excuse.  You can see his short video here with what he does with his spare time when someone says they don’t have time....